OverviewRegistering as a RTO in this country requires following regulatory requirements and compliance with the rules of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This manual intends to illuminate the requirements to support beginners understand the steps to becoming an RTO, proceed through the registration process, and ensure conformance wit… Read More

Negotiating RTO Learning Resources Locating optimum student materials and assessment resources from the abundant options of Australia-based publishers is sometimes tricky. Ideal tools should cater to all RTO's specific needs and develop learner achievements. It's necessary to examine existing first-rate materials and in what ways they add to learne… Read More

OverviewRegistered Training Organisations are responsible for various tasks upon registration, which include annual declarations, AVETMISS data submission, and advertising compliance. Among these tasks, validation of assessments is notably challenging. While validation has been covered in many posts, a review of the basics is necessary. The Austral… Read More